Saturday, July 9, 2011

Accounts receivable lingo?

A single form used on each adjustment is commonly called request for credit, or request for adjustment, request for refund (is fine), this shows all the details enough to identify the original item/ transaction to be rectified including the explanation. It is also where approval by a supervisor is documented. A summary of all refunds, is a separate form, listing each adjustments made over time. (ie. daily, shift, weekly), it may be called "Credited Invoices Re-Invoiced" or "Credited Invoices Rebilled" (is fine too). It can have all the the original details or whatever is required for the next level/stage in your system. Hope this helps. You seem to know what you're doing so don't take the $h@s from anybody. Ask what details they want. "They" have to speak up! It called collaboration/ cooperation/ participatory management, etc. Is that too much to ask from "them"? If they tell you, just put them in - that should make "them" happy. Have a nice day!

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